Monday, August 19, 2013

Jamaica Orphanage, New Kids Album, and a stolen bank account?

The last couple of weeks have been an adventure! I just returned from Montego Bay, Jamaica where my friend and fellow singer/songwriter Andrew Best and I recorded the last vocal tracks for a new children's album at Robin's Nest Children's Home. But it almost didn't happen!

Yeah Mon, good times wit de Robin's Nest Kids!

So I got to the airport a week ago, walked up to the check-in kiosk and realized that my passport was a three hour drive away in a drawer by my bed. There was no way to get it in time to make my flight. So I spent some time on the customer service line booking a new flight for the next day. BUT when I tried to pay for the flight: "Sir, I'm sorry but your card is being rejected, perhaps you should call your bank and get it cleared up."

Next, I call the bank: "Sir, have you been withdrawing hundreds of dollars every day from an ATM in Florida for the past week? Your account is eight hundred dollars overdrawn." What!?  So my account was completely drained by someone who had stolen both my card number and somehow knew my pin number too. All the customer service folks were great though I must admit.

Thankfully, I got the money together and my friends Abbye and Jeff Pates helped me buy a new ticket and Delta even waived the two hundred dollar transfer fee. I drove home and got my passport and made it to Jamaica only a day late (but more than a few dollars short).

We had a great week with the kids at Robin's Nest. Next, I'll be mixing in the studio the next few weeks. Andrew and I are excited to finish the CD! It will be available later this Fall and the sales will go to support the orphanage.

Visit the Robin's Nest website for more info:

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